My power list

I’m the queen of making lists but this list? It’s a little different to your average to-do list of projects. Why because it’s a list of resources for your mind. It’s my ultimate power list

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Uma Mani-BabuComment
My No Spend Month - Part 3

I’m moving through my No Spend Month and it’s definitely been challenging! A few weeks has sometimes felt like a few months! But it’s also forcing me to get out of my comfort zone and explore what I really want to spend my money and my time on.

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Uma Mani-BabuComment
My No Spend Month - Part 2

Not spending money is HARD! Like really really hard! Money is like the universal symbol of power. In it’s simplest form money is what we exchange for things, experiences and a better life. Used well money creates a better life. Used mindlessly it creates a constant need for more.

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Uma Mani-BabuComment
The art of confidence

Confidence can be SUCH a tricky thing! Some days I have it and some days I wonder where on earth it went! It can be hard to realise that it isn’t a permanent thing once you have it. Things change, people change and life moves at lightening speed. With all this there are, however, small things we can all do

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Are you being productive every day?

Stationery addiction aside – planning and organising my time allows me to not get overwhelmed by the things I need to get done.

Planning allows you to make time for the things that really matter. You get more time in your day to focus on the important things and in turn you will feel happier, even on a Sunday night! But…..Where do you start?

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Monday Mindset

Monday’s often feel like the toughest day in the week, especially when you’ve had a relaxing weekend and are coming back to a busy week.

Personally I feel like I’ve accomplished something simply by getting through Monday and starting Tuesday!

How can you make the Monday/Sunday blues have less of an impact on your week?

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ConfidenceUma Mani-BabuComment
Focus on today and tomorrow is sorted

Before we get into workouts, and recipe talk, I want you to stop and take a look at what you're doing right now in your life. How do you feel? Be honest with yourself! Do you feel like you have high energy levels on a daily basis? Or do you feel drained simply going to work and commuting daily with little time to cook let alone exercise?

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From Couch to Cardio - where do you start?

How do you do it? Like how do you really do it? How do you get fitter, exercise more, eat healthier and turn your life into something that makes you want to wake up each morning?

First things first what do you ACTUALLY want? Because here's the thing: it's easy to get hung up on what the rest of the world looks like and is saying or doing but that doesn't mean you should follow the same path.

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