My No Spend Month - Part 2
Not spending money is HARD! Like really really hard! Money is like the universal symbol of power. In it’s simplest form money is what we exchange for things, experiences and a better life. Used well money creates a better life. Used mindlessly it creates a constant need for more. That is what my challenge seeks to explore. Money is a piece of paper that in the right mindset is something that takes you from zero to hero and back again if you’re not careful.
What is it about money that can make us spend lots of it or nothing at all?
Deep down this goes down to how hard the money is earned. There is comfort in the fact that a lottery winner who gains a million pounds can often end up back at square one because they spend the whole lot really quickly. Working hard to earn money can give a greater satisfaction over what you do with that money but it isn’t always such a clear connection. Sometimes you can spend endless hours in a respectable job for it not to actually amount to very much.
Mindless spending comes about from the excess that we have available around us. Think of something you want and I’m 99% sure you can go to Amazon and buy it for next day delivery. OR if you are really lukcy you can Amazon Now and the product will arrive at your door in 2 hours! That was unthinkable 3-5 years ago. Technology definitely has a lot to answer for. However that same technology makes it easy for you to send an email instead of post a letter and then you get a response the same day or sooner.
Now there are so many different things that we can buy to satisfy an instant happiness craving such a buying a nice pen or buying a new notebook. But what these new purchases do is give us that hit of happiness from having something new. It gives you a buzz. What if that same buzz could be achieved without spending a penny?
I’m the type of woman/person that loves stationery, I mean I have over 30 M&G gel pens with the same size nibs! I enjoy reading books and I love manicures. But I realised that all of these are just things. Like material things and whilst to begin with they are new and fun - they soon lose that fun as they become everyday products. Once the fun wears off it creates the next desire to spend and before I know it I’m in an endless cycle of spending.
My first week of the challenge saw me de-cluttering my home and really observing what I have around me and then looking at how to interact with the people closest to me in order to live my life intentionally and with purpose. My powersheets are also keeping me accountable. The below progress actually amazes me!
Week one check in for my Powersheets tending list
The way I see it is when your life serves a greater purpose money no longer can be used to fill the gaps. After all money is a resource not the only resource!
My No Spend Month tips (a few things I found really worked for me).
Focus on creating memories and experiences. Think about creating those happiness feelings you get after a good time or after the gym? Look at finding more of those. For me this means spending time with friends and family and just laughing. These don’t have to be involving lots of people. It can be as simple as taking your camera and going a solo trip round your local town. Even just going for a walk at lunchtime can help give you a fresh perspective (photographed above at the top is the South Quay Footbridge on my morning commute)
Take time to think about hobbies and things that really interest you. Research what these hobbies involve and have a go at starting them with what you have around you. For me this is lettering. I don’t own calligraphy pens so instead I use a felt pens and outline the words making them look fancy. If I’m still doing calligraphy in a year’s time then I may buy a set.
There are free things you can do to give yourself that dopamine hit: play a game on your phone (think Angry Birds or Sudoku), dance to your favourite song (gets the blood pumping and you will definitely feel great after 2 mins!)
Focus on what you have. I do this by writing down every day 3 things I am grateful for and 3 wins I use one mini journal for wins and another one for gratitude. I challenge myself to find the good in each day (see pictured below). A win is something positive that happened in your day - either that you did or that someone else did. Try this for a few weeks and you may be surprised how much this changes your perspective.
That’s all from my first week of the not spend month. Next time I will be talking about my challenges and what I’m doing to lessen the impact.
What are your thoughts on a no spend month? Let me know in the comments and let me know if you are thinking of trying one out! I’d love to know how you’re finding it.