End your day well to start the next one right: 9 things I like to do before bed


My alarm goes off at 5.45am and I’m thinking “Right! time to get up, shower and go! What do I want to do with my morning today??” I’m definitely a morning lark. I see mornings a fresh start and it makes me feel alive. Getting a chunk of time in the morning to do things makes me happy. (My morning coffee helps too)

The evenings however are a very different story…..

After a long day at work my mind automatically goes to thinking “I’m going to make dinner, watch TV then go on Instagram for a bit and fall asleep when I’m too tired to move”. There have even been times when the result was that I woke up late the next day and had no morning time at all!

Over the next few months I’m challenging myself to look at my evenings differently. I’m going to start blocking off time at the end of my day before bed to help me feel refreshed and ready for the next day. It’s been a few weeks in and here is what I’ve found works for me so far:

  1. Pre-planning

    When I come home I’m constantly thinking - “I need to do this or I need to do that!” and those worries take up time and mental space. The way I deal with this is by taking my coat off, putting my things away and then starting pre-planning. I spend 5 minutes looking at my calendar for the next day and write any to-dos that are in my head. Get all your tasks on paper so you’re not thinking about them right up to bed time.

  2. Time blocking

    It is so easy to let your evening run away from you and then before you know it - it’s bedtime and then time to get going again! This constant cycle can feel overwhelming if you don’t get a chance to slow down and do something for you.

    I use time-blocking to manage my days and what I found really useful was blocking off an hour in the calendar and calling it “Evening routine” then setting up a reminder so that I get notifcations. During this one hour of time I like to put my phone away and focus on me with hobbies, tea and writing.

  3. Me time

    With my mornings being constantly on the go, my evenings involve me collapsing into the sofa and mindlessly watching TV. I want more out of my evening but at times it feels like there is SO much to do.

    My solution to this is having a list of hobbies or things you enjoy doing. For me this includes reading a book, painting my nails or breathing in a nice scented candle/ body oil. Your list can include anything that makes you smile. Try adding to it each day and within a week you will have so many things you can do! These things can then fit perfectly as part of your evening routine.

  4. Cleanse, tone and and moisturise

    In the mornings my face routine is the most rushed thing in the world, it’s almost like I’m on autopilot to get ready! In the evenings however I have more time to take care of my face. The simple act of cleansing my face leaves me feeling much better & it literally washes the day off my face.

    I would say to set aside 10-15 minutes in your evening routine to wash your face, apply toner and then a nice face cream. If you fancy adding in something extra why not apply a few drops of face oil before your moisturiser and notice how fresh your face feels! (note: I have oily skin and face oils are amazing for helping to balance this).

  5. Drink warm water/ herbal tea

    I like to have something comforting to drink in the evening that will not keep me awake all night. On the way home I buy a lemon each week and slice it and keep it in the fridge. Each evening I put a slice in a mug and cover it with boiled water then once it has cooled for 10 mins I sit back and drink it.

  6. Meditation

    This has been a goal of mine for a LONG time and for some reason or other it just didn’t stick until now. I find that I don’t need to meditate for long. Sometimes just 5 minutes is all it takes and the calmness I feel after focusing on my breathing is simply fantastic. If you’re looking to have a go at mediation I would recommend the app Headspace. It’s great for beginners and I love how it teaches you to welcome distractions and then to lightly let them pass.

  7. Read a book

    Have you ever been so absorbed in a book that an hour or two passed by in the blink of an eye? I absolutely love reading books, and looking forward to a good book at the end of the day always makes me smile. I’m currently reading Gretchen Rubin’s “The Happines Project” and along with many suggestions for starting your own project it has a lot of practical simple ideas for being happier. Something we can all do with more of!

    If reading a book isn’t your thing then I’d say to try listening to your favourite books as audio-books. Or if you fancy listening something different altogether why not try a podcast? There are some fab ones out there. At the moment I’ve loving the “Deliciously Ella” podcast for tips on living a healthy lifestyle.

  8. Writing/keeping a diary or journal

    Journalling for me is a hobby. It has ranged from writing down what I ate for breakfast as a teenager to now writing down my hopes & dreams or brainstorming ideas for things I want to do. Although I don’t journal regularly it is something that helps me to keep a clear head and something I definitely would like to do more of. A simple way to keep a journal is to put a notebook and pen on your bedside table and when you feel worried or stressed to write it down. It can be as simple as writing “I feel stressed, it’s been a long day!” but the act of getting thoughts out of your head and onto paper means you are no longer spending precious mental energy thinking about it.

  9. Tech-free time

    With TV, smartphones and screens being a part of daily life it ‘s hard to imagine what to do without them. They are useful for so many things! BUT constantly being around tech can be draining. The light that comes from the screens can prevent you from winding down peacefully.

    I’m experimenting with having an hour before bed as no-phone time as this allows me to really connect with people around me and also to myself. The trick here is to not see it as a restriction. It’s not about stopping yourself from going on your phone but more about focusing on something purposeful. Your hobbies list can come in here too!