My evening routine updated
I used to get really hung up on finding the perfect evening routine to start the next day well. The problem was that I spent so long researching and making lists of ideas to try out that I never actually got into my evening routine. There’s irony in that somewhere! My evenings would sort of happen by themselves. I’d come back from work drained and go through the motions of my evening mostly on autopilot and end up scrolling social media just to escape for a few minutes. Does that sound familiar? Social media can be quite the distraction when you need it to be!
One thing I did notice was that I actually did need some sort of evening routine. Not having an intentional evening really affected my energy level the next day and also the quality of my sleep, as reluctant as I was to admit that! So this time round I’m making things much easier. I’m working on the less is more mantra.
My evening routine take 2
I decided to look at the things I enjoy doing in the evening once the washing up is done. I also want to combine relaxation with peace of mind. This includes knowing that I’m not stressing about things I need to do the next day during my evenings.
With that in mind my evening routine now involves three things:
Write out my things to do/remember in tomorrow’s section in my planner.
A cup of tea - herbal or earl grey are the most relaxing for me before sleep
A good book to read for 30mins - check out book-club to see what I’m reading now.
What do your evenings look like after a busy day?