Believing in yourself  

If you don’t believe what you are doing will ever work……


Guess what happens?


What you are doing won’t work.




Because when doubt comes up, which it will, it will destroy your ability to push forward.

Lack of belief creates doubt, fear, and indecision. These all keep you stuck where you are.


Belief creates clarity, power, and strength. It creates consistency which builds momentum and keeps you moving forward.

Belief doesn’t kill fear and doubt, what it does is give you a foundation to deal with fear and doubt that comes up along the way.

Be it building confidence, starting a business, losing weight, being good at project management or any dream you have….

If you don’t believe you can do it – you won’t create the system to help you achieve it. You won’t even start thinking about it as a possibility for your life.

If you don’t believe you can do something you won’t look for a way to do it…Because you won’t ever get started. You will keep spinning in doubt and what I call “I Don’t Know” Land.

Without a system in place, it becomes easy to think “I tried but it didn’t work so I will go back to what I know and am used to”. When you do that, nothing changes and you start to repeat the same cycle over and over. That cycle looks like this: dreaming, doubting yourself, then going back to what you have always done. Familiarity is great but not when you want to change your life beyond everything it currently is.


Building belief isn’t about saying “I can do it” over and over. That simply puts a plaster over the problem for it to come up in the future and create problems.

It’s about understanding what is blocking you from having 100% belief and then working to build a solid foundation of self-trust and integrity. It’s about looking at your thoughts and really pulling apart the thoughts that don’t serve you and building thoughts that do serve you using positive real evidence from your life.

When you have complete belief in what you are doing – guess what happens? You can achieve everything you set out to accomplish. Then confidence and resilience become a given.

If you’re ready to get clear on what is stopping you believing in yourself  – schedule a consult today! The link is here.



Uma Mani-BabuComment