Belief Begins and ends with you

If you don’t believe in yourself, other people won’t.

 Think about it. If you’re looking to hire a personal trainer to help you get in shape are you going to sign up with an instructor who is confident that they can help you OR with someone who says they might be able to help you?

The instructor who says they can definitely help you is the one who has complete belief in what they offer and that translates into you trusting them and hiring them to help you.


Belief builds trust and that trust translates into results. BUT belief can’t be faked and this is where people stumble. They don’t believe in themselves but try to go from lack of belief to complete belief in one jump. People around you will see and feel that you don’t believe in yourself and it will show up in everything you do – from frantic actions and energy to how you interact with people.

The way you do or don’t believe in yourself sets the tone for others when they interact with you.

I hear so many people say “I wish my partner/boss/wife/husband/colleague believed in me then I would believe in myself more”.

But it doesn’t work that way! If you keep waiting for other people to start believing in you then you are waiting for outside circumstances to change instead of taking control or your belief level right now! You have the ability to believe in yourself starting right now. You just aren’t used to having that power in your hands.

When you have solid belief in you, others will sense that and then they in turn develop solid belief in you. It’s a ripple effect and it starts with YOU.

It’s also not hard to build belief in yourself when it comes from an authentic place. 

Self-belief comes from a strong foundation. That foundation is your mind – the thing you use every single day even though sometimes it feels subconscious! Your mind sets the tone for not only self-belief but how you show up every day.

It all starts with the smallest of things: your thoughts! The things you tell yourself every. Single. Day.


Our thoughts carry a lot more power than you might feel or recognise. When you feel something – there’s a thought underneath it. When you get frustrated – there is a thought underneath it. When you get impatient about things not happening in a given timeline – there is a thought behind it. When you decide to not do something – there is a thought behind it.

Those thoughts might seem insignificant BUT they affect how you show up. Repeat those thoughts enough times and they become a belief. That is what beliefs are – thoughts repeated over and over and over. Add emotions into the mix and is it any wonder that it can be near impossible to change??


What thought do you have right now when it comes to your belief in your own ability to achieve what you really want in your life? If you had to rate it from 1 to 10 what rating would you give yourself?

(1 being zero belief in yourself achieving anything to 10 being complete belief that you can do anything you set your mind to.)


I can help you get to a 10. I will teach you a powerful tool that will shift your mind to create 100% belief in you.

Book a consult today to find out how! The link is here



Uma Mani-BabuComment