My action items for May 20201

May 2021 goals.jpg

I’m looking forward to this month. I haven’t got any events or celebrations planned and that means I get to focus on projects I postponed earlier in the year. It’s what I call my do-over month. The calm before the rest of the year gets going. I’m also shocked that next month is the half-way point of the year!?

The picture above is what my May tending list looks like for the big goals I’m working on.

Note: that this picture is just my action steps towards me longer-term goals. It doesn’t include day-to-day tasks and to-dos. Those go in my planner so that I’m focus on those things daily or weekly.


My monthly action items:

 Inner Engineering – this is a book I’ve been excited to read for a long time and finally I’m getting round to doing so! I will write a review on it once I finish.

Portfolio Management – this is connected to an exciting future project. The planner in me is collecting information now so that I have a resource folder ready to go. More on that later in the year.

Self-care routine – I want to put face masks and paint my nails regularly and decided it was important to have that as a monthly goal. This feeds into my rest time (soulful rest not superficial “rest”)

Start new quote board – I love making collages that inspire me. I made one last year and now I’m feeling ready to create a new board using saved posts on IG and Pinterest.

Authentic soul connection – now that lockdown is starting to ease, I’m looking forward to meeting friends and family outdoors and seeing lots of smiling faces. I’m also working on actually picking up the phone and calling people!

How to do the work – this is a book on Ego work by Dr Nicole LePera and is an absolutely fascinating book on healing and mindset work. This month I’m actively practicing the work after having followed Dr LePera on YouTube for over a year.

Meal prep – I want to make meals and weight loss easier so I’m going back to basics with meal prep. Nothing fancy, just using dinner as leftovers and bulk cooking lunches in advance. I want to make eating more routine and less varied. Too much choice means I end up getting takeaway too much.


My weekly actions items:

Finance Check in – every week I double check my bank accounts, budget spreadsheet and calendar. This helps me to know what bills are due and when. It also helps me keep an eye on all my finances in one go. Less of a goal and more a long term habit I’m keen to practice.

Weigh in & metrics – this is part of my 90 day journey and long term weight loss plan. Weekly weigh ins keep me focused on the long term progress and help me track my figures. ~My 90 day journey is a short term goal which will feed into a longer term goal of maintaining a lower weight.

House & Home - This is a huge goal of mine. It’s about keeping and managing a list of projects that I can look at regularly & pick which ones to work on. I currently have one home projects list divided into 5 categories by room and a number of other project lists including: blog, coaching, selfcare.

Deeper meditation – now that I meditate 3 minutes daily I’m looking to gradually increase to about 10 minutes a day. This is a little hit and miss lately so we shall see how it goes! I want to meditate for 20 minutes daily one day but that feels a long way off.

IG Offers and ABA coaching – something exciting this month is the official launch of my coaching business. With that comes the need to promote coaching packages, offer consults and then update my coaching portfolio. Stay tuned for an addition to the site with all the details. If you are interested in working me definitely message me over on Instagram. I would love to work with you!


My Daily action items:

10 Mindful minutes – This is actually the name of a book I’m currently reading but also something I decided to call my morning me-time. I’m experimenting with journaling, checking in with my planners & a fresh homemade drink to start my day

Daily Stoic – this is forever my favourite thing to do in the morning. Part habit, part hobby. I want to keep reading a page per day for the rest of my life so this will feature on every single tending list until further notice ;)

Meditate – Another thing I want to keep going for the rest of my life is meditation. My brother kindly shared his Headspace account with me and I’m a huge fan of the app. If you’re new to meditation I highly recommend the Headspace app it as it has so many guided meditations to choose from. For now I’m sticking with 3 minutes daily. If I feel like more then I have the option but 3 minutes is completely reasonable.

Exercise – with the pandemic I have been a bit 50:50 with workouts. I find it tough to do them daily because of old injuries so I decided to adapt. I gave myself the option to workout, or go for a walk. 30 minutes of movement will allow me to tick this item off each day.

B, L, D + 5 a day – this is about me getting three meals a day and NOT skipping breakfast. I also want to get my five a day of fruit and veg. We shall see how I go with this. I’m known for skipping breakfast and going straight for coffee! I really need to remind myself that COFFEE DOES NOT COUNT AS BREAKFAST!

What are some of your goals or things you are working on for the month of May?

If you’re having any trouble breaking your goals down into small steps let me know in the comments and I can give you some tips to help you start.



Uma Mani-BabuComment