What is mindset coaching?

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Something I’ve kept quiet about until now is……I am officially a mindset coach!!!! It took two years of training, coursework and doing the work to get to this point and I am SUPER excited!!!!

You might have seen all of the quotes and positive statements on my feed and thought ok, what is that really about? Anybody can put up a cool quote and get the likes & comments, right??? And you would be right. But here’s the thing…..……

 Quotes for me are less about saying something cool and more about the way a statement makes you feel. That feeling drives a powerful change in your body and fuels a powerful fire that gets your mindset in gear to get into massive action. NO I don’t mean non-stop action I mean powerful action that gets results!

You don’t need to change anything externally, when your mindset changes then EVERYTHING on the outside changes. How you show up changes, how you approach life changes and ultimately how you do life changes.

THIS is where the real magic in life begins. It’s something I really love talking to people about.

That life you dream of is not only possible but completely achievable!

I know because two and a half years blogging was a complete dream to me along with coaching and business building. I wanted to write, to teach and  toconnect with people, but I had no clue about how to do anything except write.

The website building, domain name registration, logo graphics design, the content strategy – none of that was set up when I started.

I started with one step: WRITING. The rest evolved naturally as time progressed. I had three different logos before I went live and none of them are what you see today. The logo evolved as my personal voice changed.

You don’t need every last piece of your business set up before you start. OK so you need the business end set up like the ability to take payments and there are also a couple of legal things to take care of. BUT other than that, it’s about starting. You learn and grow as you move forwards.

Your ego will keep you stuck at the “I don’t feel ready stage” if you let it. The truth is that you will never feel 100% ready or fearless but that is never going to be a reason to not start. New things always feel scary and because things are constantly new - fear and nerves are a part of the game. It’s important to learn how to frame fear, failure and doubt in a way that makes you ready and able to cope. This is part of what I teach my clients in one to one coaching. 

Before I started blogging there was one quote I looked at. To this day it still lives in my mind and on my quote board:

“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort. You cannot have both”

by Brené Brown.

If I had allowed my mind to keep using negative thoughts to keep me stuck, I would never have reached this stage where I consistently post content on a regular basis. I would never have started blogging and I would never have got the chance to help people. 

In an up and down journey of a rollercoaster - here I am.

I want to show you that all of this is possible for you too. I don’t mean blogging unless that is something you want to start of course. I mean doing anything that is written on your heart. It definitely doesn’t have to be this frustrating painful journey that doesn’t go anywhere.

You CAN have the life you want, even if you have no idea how right now. The first step is to get your mind in gear and learn the tools that will see you through the rest of your life.

 When you coach with me you will learn how to build awareness of your thoughts and in turn see what results you are creating both consciously and subconsciously. I will teach you a tool that will help you create powerful results over and over. Along the way I will also be there to coach you through any mind drama that comes up which it will do because each time you grow different thoughts will pop up. When it comes to coaching with me there is no topic or life area that is off limits. Any area that brings up mind drama is what I want you to bring with you. We will coach on it and I will help you actively change your life.


For example for me when I first started blogging the original mind drama was:

“I don’t know how to start a blog” & “I’m not a blogger, it’s just not who I am”.

Once I started the blog that mind drama evolved to……

“what I write isn’t unique, it’s not helping anyone”


Now that I’ve consistently been blogging for a few years my mind drama is less around what I’m writing and more about how I can offer more services and serve my clients even more. I show up on my blog and my email newsletter no matter whether I’m feeling super happy or I’m having a challenging day. Each emotion brings its own energy and I lean into it.

Previously doubts and fears would have me spinning out for days and weeks leaving me feeling rubbish. Now when doubts and negative thoughts come up – I am aware of them, I feel them and then I get to work on building my mindset to deal with them. I move past blocks in a matter of minutes but that only came with consistent practice.

 There are the occasional days when I’m just not feeling 100% and those are the days when I focus on self-care and don’t become to frustrated with myself for not feeling great. There are days where you will feel abit rubbish in life and those are the days where you need to show yourself compassion and know that you will heal and be ok. Everything gets better one day at a time.


If you’re interested in working with me head to the Work with Me page to set up a free 20-minute consult call.


I look forward to helping you create your dream life!

Uma Mani-BabuComment