The Adventures of a beginner YouTuber

There are so many things I love as a creative from writing to reading books to exploring photography. But one thing has always been a dream of mine. To make good YouTube videos and to get better at it….

 A few months ago I decided that I want to be more consistent with showing up on YouTube and creating useful engaging videos for my audience.

 With that in mind I signed up to the Part Time YouTuber Academy by Ali Abdaal.

At the time of writing this the course hasn’t started yet but by the time this post goes live on my site I will be half way through the course. So this entry is almost like an initial thoughts diary entry if you will.

At this point I’ve only made a handful of videos on my channel and they are all product videos with a desk view and you don’t see my face. I would like to be able to speak into the camera and show my face in YouTube videos. That takes confidence but I am getting there.

I enrolled in the academy because I want to build a consistent system for creating videos and really learn how to make good videos. It’s something I have always wanted to do but never really placed priority on until now.


 Because when I’m writing blog posts there are topics that I really could go on about forever. It’s easier to talk about them in a video where someone can skip to the later sections when timestamped and they can even listen to the video without having to watch it. The options are more open ended. The whole creation process of watching a video come together is also something I love. I enjoy creating artistic thumbnails and am excited to learn more about creating engaging content and linking it to the blog.


I also love the interactive quality of video and the entertainment side of it that it brings to education. I love learning how to do anything via YouTube videos and it’s also free which means people will have access to powerful education.


So what can you expect to see on my YouTube channel over the next 6 months to a year?


I will be talking about

  • Powersheets (obviously!),

  • Self coaching

  • Mindset tips and tricks

  • Creating an effective planning system,

  • Book reviews,

  • General day to day thoughts,

  • Journaling,

  • Building routines,

  • Working without distraction,

  • Productivity and much more.


I am so excited to bring you all along for the journey so stay tuned and be sure to let me know what you want to see more of and what you’re enjoying. That goes for the blog as well as YouTube. I want to ensure I help you in the best possible way.

Uma Mani-BabuComment