Wasting Time

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When you worry about wasting time or not having enough time; guess what happens?


Why? Let me explain…….

When you start thinking “I’m wasting time” or “I don’t have enough time” your brain starts to worry about all the things still left to do. It doesn’t think about how to do them, it just thinks that there is lots left to do.

This worry triggers feelings of anxiety, stress, doubt and fear. When you finally do get into action mode you find you’re feeling drained.

You wonder how you could be drained when you haven’t done anything yet.

BUT if you take a closer look, you HAVE been doing something.

You’ve been thinking and worrying. Both take an immense amount of brain energy away from physical action. You can’t worry about something and do a task at the same time, so your brain has to choose what it wants to do.

This then leads most of us to do nothing otherwise known as procrastinating through the day. Before you know it, a whole day or week has gone by and you still haven’t got the important things done and the same cycle of worrying about time starts all over again. 

It’s time to break the cycle and start getting things done but in an authentic way that doesn’t mean working at 100 miles an hour day in day out. It starts with managing your mind.

Worrying about wasting time or not enough time is a thought that you have and it comes from somewhere. The key is build awareness about when that thought comes up and how to gradually transition to thoughts that leave you feeling peaceful and authentically in control of your day. More on this next month!


Want to stop worrying about wasting time once and for all? Come work with me and I’ll teach you how to approach time with a fresh mind literally!

What are you worried about when it comes to time? I’d love to know in the comments!


Uma Mani-BabuComment