Navigating routines around everyday life:
Building a Daily Routine That Serves You
In a world where productivity is often seen as the key to success, the desire to perfect a daily routine is strong.
Recently, I reflected on my personal goals for each day and how I can realistically achieve them. When it comes to my mornings and the things I’d like to do first thing or close to first thing; these evolve around personal growth items.
I want to journal, read personal development books, exercise, listen to a podcast episode, and read one page from books like Daily Stoic or 365 Days of Good Morning, Good Life.
Ideally, my routine would be:
• 60 minutes of journaling
• 30 minutes of reading
• 15 to 25 minutes of movement
• 30 minutes of podcast listening
• a Page a Day book e.g Daily Stoic and 365 Days of Good Morning Good Life
However, reality doesn’t always match up with our plans. Today, for instance, managed:
• 15 minutes of journaling
• 10 minutes of reading
• 5 minutes of movement
• 9 minutes of podcast listening [one episode]
• A read of my Page a Day books
The question now is: How do I transition to the routine I truly desire?
I’ve decided to experiment on weekends with the length of time and then during the week experiment with the actual items in my routine and the order of them. I also have a list of my routine tasks and I keep the list nearby. I would also like to keep a running blog or vlog about the process. It’s a journey of curiosity, not just ticking off tasks. Ultimately it is about filling my cup first each day so that I can be completely present the rest of the day whether it be work or around loved ones.
Small, intentional steps help me move toward the routine that genuinely fulfils me, instead of one that just looks productive on paper. I’ve talked about routines often but this is the first time it really feels like I’ve locked down what works for me and feels truly nourishing for my soul. It’s about me and what works for me and that is it.
Do you have a morning routine or a daily routine you love? If yes I would love to know some of the things you include in it and how you’re finding it. Does it work? Or does it need some refinement?