Affirmations don't work or DO they? hmm..
You’ve probably heard it a thousand times one way or the other.
“Affirmations don’t work, they just make you repeat something that isn’t true and makes you feel that the gap between here and your dreams is bigger” and many alternatives of this statement. To some extent the feeling is the same – “they just don’t work for me.”
Then there is the other end of the spectrum where people who have used them will tell you that they have changed their life. And that it is THE thing that helps them shift their minds.
The thing is neither of these opinions is invalid, in fact they’re both completely valid points.
I’m in-between the two. And it’s because of my mind, stick with me… 😉
Some days I’m all in with affirmations and some days my mind is in on holiday and far away from reality not wanting to do THE work. Anybody for an episode of Neighbours and a cup of tea? Such is life.
And that is completely okay. You’re not going to want to do the hard work day in day out or all day – you’re human. BUT if you find you spend more time daydreaming and not doing the work then maybe that’s where you need to start digging abit deeper to see what’s happening.
The conclusion I draw from this is that affirmations work if you believe they do, it’s sort of a self fulfilling prophecy and no you can’t fake it.
For me there is one power statement that when I say it then I feel SO GOOD. But there are the days when mentally I’m feeling cloudy and I journal through those rather than forcing myself to say my affirmations. It’s really about listening to my mind and my soul and my voice as my own authority – more on this in an in depth blog post coming soon. Authority is a powerful thing when used with authenticity and love.
See you in the next post! (hint something interesting and much deeper as a conversation is coming about all things affirmations and mantras)