My ‘To Be Read’ List (TBR list)
I have a long list of books to read, but this is my forever reading list so not simply for the year.
It’s a list I’ve added to over the years and makes up the bulk of my mindset and personal development library.
So what am I reading currently?
From the list I’ve chosen these 5 books:
The Untethered Soul
The One Thing
Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?
The Endless Practice
The Artist’s Way
The One Thing is a productivity book and it’s all about simplifying life. The rest are coaching and therapy related books and focus on mindset, spirituality and the ego. I will go into detail about how these books can help you once I’ve finished reading them.
For now I’m looking forward to curling up on the sofa with a cup of tea of and a good book from this selection!