
Planning isn’t a habit for me.

Want to know what is?

Writing down things that I know I’m going to forget. They go into my to do lists and planners. I don’t allow myself to fall into the trap of thinking “oh I will write it down later”.

We’ve all been there where later is this non-existent time where everything will magically be better and just happen by itself. That magic time doesn’t come and leads to feeling super overwhelmed and not knowing where to being.

By writing things down, you get better at planning. Planning is pretty much a by-product of the act of writing the small things down. Because when you write down the small things you need to do – your brain starts to trust your planning system. It knows that you will write down things and then it relaxes once it knows that things are taken care of.

Planning and forward thinking become by-products of building tiny consistent habits and maintaining them.

The brain is great for coming up with creative ideas but storing or remembering things? Not so much!

When you get used to planning and looking ahead at what is on your calendar, what you will find is that planning becomes less of a chore and more of something that you commit to and just do regularly. Then you get to enjoy the process (yes this is where I start to add in stickers and coloured pens and fancy stationery because it’s what makes ME happy. Remember you do you).

When you get good at planning what happens is that your planner becomes your very own personal assistant. This is exactly what my planner is for me. I’ve got so used to writing things down that I can rely on a quick glance to tell me what my week looks like. Then from there I can be intentional about what things I say yes or no to. After that I can decide what goals I want to work on in the blocks of white space. I can also decide where my self-care blocks will go. Note I don’t fill all my blocks of spare time! Sometimes it’s lovely to have sometime to just breath and not have a list to complete.

Do you see how all these decisions are like dominos? They start from getting into the habit of writing small things down.

Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of planning your life? Don’t know where to start or how to plan? I can help you. It’s a lot simpler to become a planner and get organised than you might realise. It begins with knowing what your important non-negotiable things in life are eg. Family, home, finances, health, personal development and so on.

 Want to manage your life so that you can actually start working towards those big picture dreams today? Book a consult with me today and we’ll look at the small action steps you can put in place to build momentum and get your dreams into action now!



Uma Mani-BabuComment