My 2022 Big Picture goals
I’m always surprised by how fast the year goes when it gets to December and Christmas but I really love being able to slow down for the festive season. I also like those few days between Christmas and New Years to reflect on the goals I’ve chosen for the new year.
Without further ado here are my 2022 Big Picture goals:
Declutter the apartment – through the last 18 months the flat has definitely accumulated clutter and a lot of it is my books. I want to make sure each item has a home and that the flat is more peaceful for daily use.
Work through the reading list – I have finally sorted out all my books and found a few extra ones. I now have a complete reading list for the year and will not be buying any new books for quite some time! See the full book list in a post coming soon.
Continue the weight loss journey – I started losing weight in 2021 and am keen to keep going and building a healthy relationship between my mind and body and health.
Build a happy marriage with Jay – with the wedding being round the corner in February my next goal after wedding planning is to build a solid happy marriage with him. I’m still working out what this looks like but for now it’s a huge goal in my planner.
Financial freedom – this is related to savings and earnings. I plan to have an aggressive savings target. This is also connected to the next goal….
·Grow Girl in Blue London - I’ve started the coaching business, the YouTube channel and am consistently blogging. The next thing is to consistently drive each of these forwards with targets for each. More coming on this soon.
Love my family well – this is about spending more time with family. As covid rules start to ease up I’m looking forward to more intentional family time in person. I’m also looking at creative ways of spending time and creating memories for everyone I hang out with.
Inner peace and healing – this is connected to my coaching business but is more related to my inner well-being. I’m looking to focus on celebrating wins, meditate, journal and really build even more awareness of my mind. I’m really excited for this goal because it has been a long time in the making!
These are the key areas of life that I will be focusing on and each of them is broken down into sub categories of smaller projects. So for example Growing the Business is made up of the blog, the coaching business and also my newly launched YouTube Channel. Each will have their own personalised mini goals for me to track and review along the way.
As I go through each month I will take you through that month’s tending list with a monthly tending list blog post. I will also take you behind the scenes to show you why I’m choosing certain goals and action steps over others. It is possible to achieve every single goal you want from your life…just NOT ALL AT ONCE! Read that again.
You can have everything you want – just not all at once. When you try to do too many things at once and go full speed you end up missing out on the fun of digging deep into the journey.
It’s also important to remember that your goals will likely change as the year goes on. This is because we go through seasons of life and seasons of change. What is important one season can become less important the next. Your goals and dreams will evolve as you and your life do. They are not set in stone even if you feel like they are. All it takes is crossing them out and writing in new ones (or deleting and typing if you’re a digital person)