My top 5 things to do in the morning to ease into my day

My planner helps me track my daily habits and ensure I keep going.

My planner helps me track my daily habits and ensure I keep going.

I love having routines and my morning routine is something I absolutely love because when I’ve spent time for myself truly enjoying the morning quiet time then I am 100% ready for my day and it’s challenges.

There are key things that lead to each morning being good so I thought it would be a fun idea to share the key things that I think lead up to a great morning:

  1. Social media free time - I always slot in 30mins of time away from media and news. I like to read a book or listen to a podcast or flip through my planner to look at past events and memories etc. I then have a dedicated social media time around lunchtime where I can go on instagram so that my brain doesn’t feel like it’s missing out. The key here is discipline!

  2. Gratitude time - I take time to think about what I’m grateful for and write down my top 3 things. This helps train your brain to look for the wins in each day. Bit by bit you start to see wins everywhere. It’s a habit and like all habits it takes time

  3. Drink a hot drink - I always make myself a hot cup of coffee within 1 hour of waking up. I have my own special mug with a quote on it. It’s my way to cheer myself up and keep myself happy (if you follow me on insta you’ve seen the Disney and a little brew mugs I always use!). Then I have either a glass of lemon water next or a bottle of water on my desk and drink a cup at a time. Keeping the bottle on my desk also acts as a reminder to drink water. It is super important to hydrate and drinking coffee makes that EVEN more important! If you don’t like coffee try a herbal tea or hot chocoalate and experiment.

  4. Mediation time - For me this is a combination of using the headspace app for a quick 5minute guided session and other times I will open my oracle cards and pick one. I focus on the card and read the message behind it. It gives me mental clarity for the day and I always feel calmer afterwards. Headspace always leaves me feeling lighter and all it takes is 5 minutes to feel calmer. They even have 3 minute sessions on their app which is super helpful! A few minutes mediation is always better than no meditation so definitely try the app out!

  5. Checking off habits in my planner. The above items form part of my daily habits and I mix them up over the course of the seasons and the year. I then add them to my powersheets tracker and tick them off. You can do this in your planner or in a notebook by creating a grid and putting the days along the top and habits down the side. Then when you complete each habit every day you can tick it off. Before long the act of checking things off becomes satisfying and you see the progress add up. Then once a habit becomes ingrained you can move onto the next thing. It’s a great way to start the day AND build life long habits. That is what I call a win win!

What are you top things you like to do to start your day off well?

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Uma Mani-BabuComment