My reflections on the past few years

Moving from my 2020 Powersheets into the 2021 set with a grateful heart and a head full of dreams :)

Moving from my 2020 Powersheets into the 2021 set with a grateful heart and a head full of dreams :)

As much as I love dreaming about the new year, and setting goals, I also like looking back and reflecting on how far I’ve come. It’s easy to sit and think “What have I actually done with my time??” and sometimes it can be hard to remember what you’ve actually done just from memory. Sometimes a simple scroll through your own Instagram feed or camera roll is all it takes to jog your memory and remind you of the things that happened.


As we end one year and approach another I’m taking time to reflect and note my memorable moments from the last few years:


2017: Using my first set of @CultivateWhatMatters Powersheets – everything changed the day I started using these. I had no idea how it much it would help me find an entire community of like-minded people and later lead me to finding the planner community.


2018: Start my blog “Girl in Blue London”. I dreamt of starting a blog for at least five years before I finally got the courage to start. I always convinced myself that I just wasn’t a blogger or a writer or someone who could have any influence over whether someone felt positive in their life or not. Fast forward 2 years and not only am I blogging but I finally have a system for content creation (hello regular blog posts, newsletter and IG content). I also have made SO many blogger friends and @AmandaWarfield a huge thankyou to you for teaching me how to batch content! It’s a work in progress but finally I’m creating regular content and finally starting to enjoy the process (ok so I don’t enjoy editing at all but the rest of the process is good!). Doing something I truly enjoy has really helped me to find my people. At the start it might feel impossible but if you truly are passionate about doing something the how will fit together without you forcing it. Just start!


2019 marks the biggest academic achievement to date: I finally passed my ACCA exams after 6.5 years of constant studying and full time work. 13 first time passes and quite frankly I have no idea how I even did that because let’s just say I am NOT academically gifted! I will be the first to openly say I’m not super clever. BUT what I lack in intelligence I will more than make up for by hard work and drive! I pretty much procrastinated my way through exam season and would always end up on Netflix days before exams. I remember one exam where I thought it would be a good idea to print of a list of things that I hadn’t studied so that I could read them on the train to the exam hall. What ended up happening? I left the piece of paper on the printer and the topics didn’t end up coming up as a full question! The things our brains do under pressure honestly! 


2020: what can I say about this year? If I had to some it up in one word then the word I choose to use is GRATEFUL (no not COVID – we all know that was a thing so nobody needs reminding of it!). I think this year I learned just about as much about myself as it could ever be possible to learn. OK so COVID changed everything on the work front and socialising part of life. I’m walking away from this year with a super grateful heart. I’m grateful for my health which, after having a complete mess of issues, is finally on the mend. I’m grateful for every single one of my family and friends. You all know who you are. In a year that changed the world I realised this: things never go in a straight line to get to where you want but when you have a grateful heart, a vision for where you want to go and a whole heap of determination in your mind then you can get through even the toughest of years.


When you look back at this year and previous years what precious things will you be proud of and celebrate? Let me know in the comments and if you want to chat definitely message me on Instagram. I’m bookmarking this post so that I can come back to it in future years especially on low days. Keeps yours wins close to you and be sure to celebrate the good that came from the past few years. The negative things will always be there but the positive will always outshine those things.


See you in the next post!

Uma Mani-BabuComment